DQ labs Design Hackathon
DQ labs Bangalore in partnership with Confederation of Indian Industries, conducted Design Hackathon 2022, the largest Pan India Online Inter School Event. The competition was held in 11 different categories, 300 schools with 1800 participants from grades 8-12 with 569 Teams and individuals across the country had taken part.
We are very proud that 6 teams from NHPS had taken part and 5 teams got selected for the national finals.
Karuvathil Akshay Vijaykumar of grade X was adjudged the UX-UI category winner – junior. His winning entry was an app ‘L-earn’ which aims to improve the literacy rate in India and ultimately achieve 100% literacy in India by 2047.
He received a cash prize of Rs 1000. He was felicitated by the Principal and a representative from DQ Labs.