Faculty Development Program | New Horizon Public School

Faculty development programme 2023





TUESDAY, 04/04/2023




WEDNESDAY 24/05/2023



DR SHANTHA                         

WEDNESDAY 24/05/2023



DR SHANTHA                              

THURSDAY 25/05/2023



DR SHANTHA                              

FRIDAY 26/05/2023



Deepa Trojan                       

SATURDAY 27/05/2023



MS PREEJA                       

MONDAY 29/05/2023



VIKRAM SRIDHAR            

MONDAY 29/05/2023




TUESDAY 30/05/2023




Teachers’ workshop

  1. POCSO – An informative session was conducted by Ms. Manju Goel on Tuesday, 04-04-23 wherein the teachers of NHPS gained knowledge and learnt about POCSO Act which helped everyone to understand the rights to protect, safeguard and provide a secure environment where children can thrive.
  1. Converse workshop was conducted by Dr Shantha on Wednesday, 24-05-23 for all pre-primary teachers and English teachers of grades 1 to 5.
  2. Self-awareness and language enhancement workshop was conducted by Dr Shantha on Wednesday, 24-05-23 and Thursday, 25-05-23 for Non English teachers of grades 1 to 10.
    On 25th May, 2023, our teachers had the privilege of tapping into the wealth of knowledge and insights of our distinguished speaker, Dr. V Shantha (MA, MPhil, PhD) who is the Founder-Director of Meta English Academy on Self Awareness and Language Competency. The workshop stressed on the importance of developing the communicative skills and linguistic competency amongst members of the teaching fraternity.

Dr Shantha is indeed a visionary, and an inspiration to many. Ma’am conducted a highly interactive dynamic workshop where she emphasized on the importance of communication.

She reinforced that as facilitators we should constantly upgrade ourselves with the necessary skill set by rising to the challenges, embark on paths that deviate from the conventional methodology and thinking. We should focus on paving the way for innovation.

The activity packed workshop not only kept us alert and on our toes, but also fuelled our passion for enhancing language and communication skills.

4.Capacity Building & Deeper Impacts workshop was conducted by Deepa Trojan on Wednesday, 24-05-23 for all teachers.
Faculty Development Program at NHPS

Deepa Trojan, a 28-year-old Engineer and a Management student, also a TED talk presenter calls herself a Gen Z individual. She addressed a gathering of around 100 teachers of NHPS from various divisions (Pre-Primary, Primary and Secondary), on 26th of May, 2023. Her workshop was based on Capacity building- Deeper Impacts.

The Objective of the workshop was to rethink how to guide “Attention Deficient and Easily bored” (all kinds of) Gen Z and Gen Alpha students in the class.

From a survey rolled out to teachers, she identifies that the commonly faced challenges were Technology, Kids’ shorter attention span, learning through reading and writing, communication skills, handling vulnerability, kids seeking attention, diverse needs of kids and time management. She then made the session interactive to illicit how these issues could be overcome.

The workshop highlights the journey of a teacher must consist of the following phases:

Knowing the audience -> Reinventing the pursuit of lost

passion -> Innovative and involved learning practices -> ME Time

She strongly asserted that if any one of the above phases are managed carelessly, it’s a CRIME.

She further said that a teacher and a parent must believe in the fact that “Kids do well if they CAN not if they want.”

Ms Deepa, from her analysis that she made about why do students study a subject, she comes out with a few responses that

  • They study because they donot have a choice
  • They study because of their love for the teacher

         So, if we tune ourselves to be loving teachers, students would love us and eventually the subject too.

According to Ms Deepa, if a child is unable to focus, it is utmost important for every teacher to think of the WHY the child is unable to focus and the WHAT that is blocking the student from focusing.

The session had got even more lighter and intense with a melodious song that she had made us all sing along. She affirmed that every teacher must seek for help when needed as WHAT MATTERS IS THE EFFORT. She said,” Its OK not to be AWSOME all the time but you can be AWSOME most of the time.” if we follow these points.

  • The take away from the workshop was that we as teachers must involve our students in our Lesson Plans.
  • We as teachers must not just be a teacher but be mentors.
  • We must not just teach our students but enable them to learn.
  1. Contemporary Teaching and practices workshop was conducted by Ms Preeja on Saturday, 27/5/23 for all teachers. She commenced her session by defining contemporary teaching. Contemporary teaching is teaching methodologies and pedagogies keeping in mind the changing need of the children. With reference to the new challenges in teaching profession, she stressed on a positive outlook wherein Vitality should be perceived as Vision, Uncertainty as Understanding, Complexity as Clarity and Ambiguity as Agility.
  2. Story telling workshop was conducted by Mr Vikram Sridhar on Monday, 29/5/23 for the pre primary teachers.
  3. Inclusive Education workshop was conducted by Ms Srilekha to all teachers on Monday, 29/5/23. She highlighted the difference between Traditional Education System and Modern Education System. Some common teaching styles were elicited from the teachers. She enlightened the teachers with a newer perspective about constructive teaching methods. Towards the end she explained the educational phycology to prepare the educators in order to plan their activities more efficiently. The VAK model which is very significant in teaching learning process was also discussed.

        To conclude it was a brilliantly organised workshop with many case studies, videos and activities. The insights would certainly help the teachers                  during the academic year.

     4. Workshop on spinal stress management was conducted on Tuesday, 30/5/23 for all the teachers.

         Doing what matters in times of stress. New Horizon Public School conducted an illustrated workshop on stress management for coping with adversity by Ms. Aiman Ahmed, Ms. Varsha Suresh (clinical psychologists from NIMHANS), and Dr. Abhishek Soni, a specialist in spine surgery at Manipal Hospitals Colombia Asia. The main objective of this guided workshop was to equip the teachers of NHPS with practical skills to help cope with stress.

Stress management approaches included:

  • Learning skills such as problem-solving, prioritizing tasks, and time management.
  • learning how to improve emotional awareness and reactions, increase a sense of control, find greater meaning and purpose in life, and cultivate gratitude and optimism.
  • Practicing relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, yoga, structured mindfulness exercises, and meditation.
  • The causes of spinal cord compression and the treatment options for stress-related back pain.
  • Symptoms and diagnosis of spinal cord compression.

On 25th May, 2023, our teachers had the privilege of tapping into the wealth of knowledge and insights of our distinguished speaker, Dr. V Shantha (MA, MPhil, PhD) who is the Founder-Director of Meta English Academy on Self Awareness and Language Competency. The workshop stressed on the importance of developing the communicative skills and linguistic competency amongst members of the teaching fraternity.

Dr Shantha is indeed a visionary, and an inspiration to many. Ma’am conducted a highly interactive dynamic workshop where she emphasized on the importance of communication.

She reinforced that as  facilitators we should constantly upgrade ourselves with the necessary skill set by rising to the challenges, embark on paths that deviate from the conventional methodology and thinking. We should focus on paving the way for innovation.

 The activity packed workshop  not only kept us alert and on our toes, but also fuelled our passion for enhancing language and communication skills.

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    Atal Tinkering Lab

    The students were given a challenge to build their own robot, with no restrictions attached!

    In this era of technology, rapid developments are being made everyday especially in the field of electronics, where automation of dangerous tasks is the top priority.

    This is how ATL (ATAL TINKERING LAB), a version of scientific innovation from young minds, finds a mark on NHPS.

    Our students rose to the occasion in translating their creative and innovative skills in science and technology.  They utilized the facilities provided by the school and came up with successful projects which would benefit mankind and our country in particular.


    Strong bonds of friendships are forged during these journeys. The journey can sometimes be long and tedious for the students. This can hamper their concentration level and their eagerness to learn. The comfort and safety of our students is of paramount importance to us. In order to ensure a comfortable and safe journey, New Horizon Public School introduced a fleet of luxury, AC buses this academic year.

    These AC buses are new and comfortable. The children can relax and enjoy their time with their friends without being disturbed by the noises coming from outside. The children come to school feeling fresh and eager to begin a new day in school.

    First aid room & sanjeevini

    SANJEEVINI ROOM (Pre – Primary)

    We at New Horizon Public school take the maximum possible care of our children during school hours.  

    Our medical room also known as ‘SANJEEVINI’, is a magical room that has been specially formulated for this very purpose. We provide 2 beds in case of medical emergency for children. A well-stocked first aid box will always be available for immediate treatment. The first aid kit is fully equipped and is kept handy. We ensure adequate nursing and care is given to the affected children. 

    Life Skill Lab

    of the hour that we equip our students so well that they are able to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of everyday life. With this objective in mind, the latest addition to our facility is a well-equipped Life Skills Lab. It is almost a miniature home and work setup, put into one beautiful space with counters, furniture and all materials and amenities which can be utilized by the children to learn these everyday skills hands-on. We have planned supervised sessions with age-appropriate activities that will help children improve their fine motor skills, organizing skills and also teach them self-care, discipline, and functional skills, which in turn they will use on an everyday basis, and help them grow into organized, systematic and self-reliant individuals

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    New Horizon Public School

    100 Feet Road, Indira Nagar, Bengaluru,Karnataka 560008, India

    Respected Madam,

    I am writing this e-mail with immense happiness and gratitude. To see Niharica improve slowly and steadily has given me a lot of confidence that she will do well in her academics even in her higher classes. She now reads very well and independently. She also remembers things better. Her writing has improved as well.

    I would like to thank you mam for your patience, understanding and encouragement. I would also thank the school management for having such a set up where the kids can be given special attention to improve in the areas that they are weak in.

    Mam, I am sure that with your guidance Niharica will have a wholesome growth. Thank you once again.

    Yours sincerely,