
HappySundayMornings@NHPS  “The mud will wash off but the memories will last a lifetime”.   Happiness is making your first pot in a pottery wheel   The above quote itself says it all, that how happy we are by attending the pottery session which made our Sunday so meaningful with lovely memories… It was so good to see […]

Happy Sunday Mornings

Sunday mornings at school bring a unique blend of relaxation, enthusiasm, and joy. Unlike the hustle of weekday classes, these mornings are often reserved for special activities that refresh and rejuvenate both students and teachers.


HappySundayMornings@NHPS This Sunday morning at New Horizon Public School was truly remarkable, brimming with joy, connection, and memorable experiences. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our parents for their enthusiastic participation, which greatly contributed to the day’s success. The morning was highlighted by a variety of engaging art activities designed to spark creativity and encourage […]

HappySundayMornings@NHPS – Zumba 

HappySundayMornings@NHPS – Zumba Dancing is the perfect stress buster and an excellent way to keep in shape. In Zumba, there are no wrong moves, only accidental solos. HappySundaymornings@NHPS provided the perfect platform for our parents and students to have some fun, smile and burn some calories. Simple Zumba moves made them feel like work out […]

Happy Sunday Mornings

The first day of school is a significant milestone teachers and the institution welcoming them.


HappySundayMornings It is widely acknowledged that yoga represents a harmonious integration of the heart, mind, body, and spirit, fostering connections both within ourselves and with those in our community. New Horizon Public School continued its “Happy Sunday Mornings @ NHPS” initiative by hosting a restorative yoga session in observance of International Yoga Day. Parents assembled […]

Happy Sunday Mornings@NHPS

Happy Sunday Mornings@NHPS We are so busy watching out for what is just ahead of us that we do not take time to enjoy where we are.  Life is meant to be enjoyed and every moment should be cherished and treasured. Unfortunately, we are so busy with our busy, hectic schedule that we forget to […]
