Annual Academic Reports



It is rightly said that an image or a picture is worth more than 1000 words. Keeping this in mind, this year we decided to create a documentary highlighting the various achievements, accolades and events held in the school during the academic year 2023 – 24. This year has been quite eventful and students were occupied constructively. We got an overwhelming response from the students and parents for successfully conducting all activities, internal and external competitions and many other events. Many of you also shared the success stories of your wards with us. These activities allow students to gain experience, showcase their skills, talents and uncover personal aptitude. Learning never stops and we always strive to give better. I offer my sincere appreciation and gratitude and NHPS would not be what it is without your support and effective partnership with us. We hereby present to you the compendium of activities we conducted in 2023-24. This document includes the achievements of our students, new initiatives, details of the workshops conducted for teachers, students and parents and much more. I hope all of you enjoy watching the documentary and reading the Annual Report Document, containing lovely presentations and appreciate the students’ achievements. Wishing you all a very happy Summer Vacation!