ATAL Tinkering Lab

Human history is invention—to help understand and improve our world! The students can dive deep into the world of robotics and explore how computer programming and robot design can solve problems big and small! The students were given a challenge to build their own robot, with no restrictions attached!
In this era of technology, rapid developments are being made everyday especially in the field of electronics, where automation of dangerous tasks is the top priority.
This is how ATL (ATAL TINKERING LAB), a version of scientific innovation from young minds, finds a mark on NHPS.
Our students rose to the occasion in translating their creative and innovative skills in science and technology. They utilized the facilities provided by the school and came up with successful projects which would benefit mankind and our country in particular.
ATL is a powerful work area where young minds can rejuvenate their thoughts through involved, DIY undertakings while creating imaginative abilities. Kids will have the chance to work with different instruments and hardware, upgrading how they might interpret STEM (Science, Innovation, Designing, and Arithmetic) ideas.




3d Printers

Micro controller boards

