Tiny Chefs Delight: A Fireless Cooking Competition for LKG

Tiny Chefs Delight: A Fireless Cooking Competition for LKG In a heartwarming and creative celebration of culinary artistry, our little students from NHPS, recently took center stage at the Tiny Chefs Delight – Fireless Cooking Competition, designed to spark creativity and promote healthy eating habits, the event provided a safe and engaging platform for young […]

Grade 9 trip to Dwaraka, Somnath, and Gir 

Grade 9 trip to Dwaraka, Somnath, and Gir  From November 24th to 28th, 2024, Grade 9 students embarked on a memorable trip to Dwaraka, Somnath, and Gir in Gujarat. The excursion was a perfect blend of education and fun.Visits to the historic temples provided valuable insights into India’s rich and diverse cultural heritage, while the relaxing moments spent on the […]
