150+ Simple General Knowledge Questions and Answers for Kids

150+ Simple General Knowledge Questions and Answers for Kids

Not just bookish knowledge; the information outside of academics also plays an important role in increasing children’s intelligence. General knowledge is essential, as it equips children with different things and ideas that help them be conscious and make an informed decision. It keeps them updated and opens gateways to form and understand diverse perspectives.

The information gathered over the years will help them form opinions and participate in debates, group discussions and exams. Children will look knowledgeable, which is one of the best personality traits. In this blog, we have covered some fundamental general knowledge questions that children must be able to answer.

General Knowledge Questions and Answers for Kids (Age Group 4 to 7 years)

Kids of the age group 4 to 6 are in the early stages of learning. So it is necessary to lay a strong foundation about major topics. Given below is a list of questions to ask children and engage them in the learning process.


Questions Answers 
Which is the national river of India?Ganga 
How many continents are there in the world?Seven
What is the capital of India?New Delhi
Name the two seas surrounding India.Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal
Which is the mountain range located in the northern part of India?Himalayas 
Which is the deepest ocean in the world?Pacific Ocean
Which latitude runs through the centre of the earth?Equator 
India is a part of which continent?Asia 
Name the only desert in India. Thar Desert
Which is the tallest mountain in the world?Mount Everest


Questions Answers
Name the process by which plants prepare food.Photosynthesis 
Which gas do humans inhale?Oxygen 
Which planet is called a red planet?Mars
The solar system is a part of which galaxy?Milky Way Galaxy
How many planets are there in the solar system?Eight 
Name the parts of a plant.Root, stem, leaves, fruits and flowers
Which organ pumps blood?Heart
What is the main source of light in the day?The Sun
How many kidneys do humans have?Two 
What is the solid form of water?Ice


Questions Answers 
Who is the “Father of our Nation”?Mahathma Gandhi
India was ruled by? Britishers 
When did India get independence?1947
Who is the greatest ruler of India?Ashoka 
When is Republic Day celebrated?26th January 
Who was the first prime minister of India?Jawaharlal Nehru
Who built Taj Mahal?Shah Jahan
Who wrote the National Anthem?Rabindranath Tagore
Who is the first Mughal ruler of India?Babur 
15th August is celebrated as?Independence Day

Food and Drink

Questions Answers 
Eggs are rich in?Protein 
What do we obtain from cows?Milk
What should we eat to be healthy?Fruits, vegetables, nuts
Which are the most like hot drinks?Coffee and tea
Which vegetable should be eaten to improve eyesight?Carrot
What is the name of the snack that is circular in shape with vegetables on top?Pizza
What should you drink in summers?Fruit juices
Where do we get coconut milk from?Tender coconut 
What is the name of the fruit that monkeys eat?Banana 
Which dish can be made in 2 minutes?Maggie


Questions Answers 
Which animal is known as the king of the jungle?Lion
Which is the national animal of India?Tiger 
Which are the common pets found in India?Dogs and cats
Which animal jumps from one tree to another?Monkey
Which is the tallest animal?Giraffe 
What do cows eat?Grass 
Wool is made from the skin of which animal?Sheep 
The young one of a dog is called?Puppy 
Which animal has a trunk?Elephant 
Which bird is famous for its dance and feathers?Peacock 

General Knowledge Questions and Answers for Kids (Age Group 8 to 10 years)

At this stage, the students are better placed to try some moderate-level questions. Try asking these questions below that help them gain knowledge:


A group of stars is called? 

  • Constellation

Where is the tropic of cancer located?

  • 23 ½ o N of equator

What are the two motions of the earth?

  • Rotation and revolution

India shares its boundaries with how many countries?

  • Seven

Which islands are located in the Arabian Sea?

  • Lakshadweep

Which is the second largest continent in the world?

  • Africa

What is the percentage of nitrogen present in the atmosphere?

  • 78%

India is located in which hemisphere?

  • Northern hemisphere

A leap year has how?

  • 366

What is the plateau located in the southern part of India called?

  • Peninsular plateau many days


What is the process of conversion of water into vapour called?

  • Vapourization

Scattering of lightWhich disorder is caused by the lack of vitamin D?

  • Rickets

Transpiration takes place through which part of the plant?

  • Leaves

What is the habitat in which plants and animals live on land called?

  • Terrestrial habitat

If an object does not allow light to pass through it, then it is called?

  • Opaque

What is the S.I. unit of current?

  • Ampere

How many poles does a magnet have?

  • Two

The lowermost layer of the atmosphere is called? 

  • Troposhphere 

 What are the reproductive organs of flowers called?

  • Stamen and carpel.


Who gave the slogan “Give me blood, I will give you freedom”?

  • Subhash Chandra Bose

Which is the first civilisation in India?

  • Indus Valley or Harappan civilisation

Who is the founder of the Magadha Empire?

  • Bimbisara 

Jainism is founded by?

  • Mahavira

Who is called the “Iron Man of India”?

  • Sardar Vallabhai Patel

Who was the last Viceroy of British India?

  • Lord Mountbatten

Gandhi undertook which march to protest against the salt tax?

  • Dandi March

Quit India movement was launched in which year?

  • 1942

Who was the first President of India?

  • Dr. Rajendra Prasad

Where is Sanchi Stupa located?

  • Madhya Pradesh

Food and Drink

Lemons and oranges are rich in which vitamin?

  • Vitamin C

Name a few foods that are unhealthy for you.

  • Sugar, cakes, soft drinks, pizza, chips

Which drink is prepared from crushing grapes?

  • Wine

some nuts that are healthy.

  • Almonds, raisins, cashews, pistachios, hazelnuts

Which vegetables are grown underground?

  • Potato, radish, onion, garlic, ginger, carrot

Which drink is prepared by boiling leaves in milk and hot water?

  • Tea

Which drink is high in protein?

  • Cow’s milk

Name a few foods most preferred by children during summers.

  • Ice cream, cucumber, watermelon, curd, smoothies

What is jaggery made from?

  • Sugarcane juice

Which acid is released while cutting onions?

  • Sulphuric acid


List any two amphibians.

  • Frog and crocodile

Which animal has a single horn?

  • Rhinoceros

Give a few examples of a cat family.

  • Leopard, Tiger, Cheetah, Lion.

What is the colour of blood in octopus?

  • Blue

Which is the largest mammal on Earth?

  • Blue whale

Which is the heritage animal of India?

  • The Indian Elephant

Name an animal that carries young ones in a pouch.

  • Kangaroo

Which country has the largest tiger population in the world?

  • India

Which is the largest snake in the world?

  • Green anaconda

Name a few dog breeds.

  • German Shepherd, Labrador, Golden Retriever, Bulldog, Rottweiler 

General Knowledge Questions and Answers for Kids (Age Group 10 to 12 years)

The below-listed questions are comparably more difficult than the above ones. Give them a try to test and expand your knowledge.


Questions Answers 
Which are the interior layers of Earth?Crust, mantle and core
Which is the lowest layer in the earth’s atmosphere?Troposhpere 
What is the 0o meridian also called?Prime meridian 
Which continent is 90% covered by ice?Antarctica 
Which is the world’s largest forest?Amazon Rainforest
The continents of Europe and Asia are together known as?Eurasia 
Which sea separates Africa and Asia? The Red Sea
Which island in India is also known as Coral Island?Lakshadweep islands
Which is the tallest peak in India? Kanchenjunga 
Tunga and Bhadra are the tributaries of which river?Krishna river


Questions Answers 
Insulin is secreted by which gland?Pancreas 
Which is the tallest bone in the human body?Thighbone or Femur
What is the phenomenon of splitting white light into seven colours called?Dispersion of light
What is the formula of common salt?NaCl
Newton’s first law of motion is also known as?The law of inertia 
What are the three subatomic particles?Protons, neutrons and electrons
What is the SI unit of resistance?Ohm 
Humans have how many chambers of heart?Four 
Which is the third element in the periodic table?Lithium 
Which raw materials are used to produce thermal energy?Coal, oil, natural gas


Questions Answers 
Partition of Bengal took place in which year?1905
Which are the four types of Vedas?Rig VedaYajur VedaSama VedaAtharva Veda
Ashoka was a follower of which religion?Buddhism 
Lal-Bal-Pal refers to which frerdom fighters?Lala Lajpat RaiBalgangadhar TilakBipin Chandra Pal
What are the two major weapons used by Gandhi?Peace and non-violence
Who is the father of the Indian Constitution? B. R. Ambedkar 
Where is the flag hoisted on Independence Day?Red Fort
Who built Fatehpur Sikri? Akbar 
Who wrote the national song of India?Bankim Chandra Chatterjee
Who is the first woman Prime Minister of India?Indira Gandhi

Food and Drink

Questions Answers 
Which nutrient is the main component of rice?Carbohydrates 
The yellow part of the egg is called? Yolk 
Which acid is present in curd?Lactic acid
What is the sweet substance present in flowers? Nectar 
What are the sticks used to eat noodles called?Chopsticks 
Which country is the top producer of coffee?Brazil 
Which fruit contains over 90% water?Watermelon 
Which is the main ingredient in the production of chocolates?Cocoa beans
Which country is the largest producer of bananas?India 
Alphonso, Raspuri, and Totapuri are varieties of which fruit?Mango 


Questions Answers 
Which bird lays the largest egg in the world?Ostrich 
Which is the only country to have both lions and tigers?India 
Which bird can fly backwards?Humming bird 
Which is the only mammal that can fly?Bat 
How many legs do insects have?Six 
Which is the state animal of Karnataka?Elephant 
Which state is called the tiger state in India?Madhya Pradesh
Which animal is known as man’s best friend?Domestic dogs
Which bird is the symbol of peace?Dove 
Which bird is the king of birds?Eagle 


If children have a grip over a wide range of topics, it leads to their well-rounded development and gives them an edge in quiz competitions. Schools should emphasise reading more GK books, make children solve practice sheets and have a devoted GK period.

We hope this blog will come in handy if your child is interested in learning new things. We have also covered the recent ICSE format in our latest blog. Do not forget to read it.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How can I Improve my General Knowledge?

Here are some ways to improve your general knowledge: Read more GK books and newspapers, practice more questions, revise the questions on a regular basis, watch knowledgeable videos, and discuss diverse topics with friends and family.

How often should I Update my General Knowledge?

It is generally recommended to read newspapers every day to be updated on the current happenings. But if your schedule is packed, you can catch up on a weekly or  monthly basis.

Which are the Common Topics covered in General Knowledge Quizzes?

Generally, GK quizzes consist of questions based on Science, History, Geography, Current Affairs, Sports, Technology, and famous personalities.

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    Atal Tinkering Lab

    The students were given a challenge to build their own robot, with no restrictions attached!

    In this era of technology, rapid developments are being made everyday especially in the field of electronics, where automation of dangerous tasks is the top priority.

    This is how ATL (ATAL TINKERING LAB), a version of scientific innovation from young minds, finds a mark on NHPS.

    Our students rose to the occasion in translating their creative and innovative skills in science and technology.  They utilized the facilities provided by the school and came up with successful projects which would benefit mankind and our country in particular.


    Strong bonds of friendships are forged during these journeys. The journey can sometimes be long and tedious for the students. This can hamper their concentration level and their eagerness to learn. The comfort and safety of our students is of paramount importance to us. In order to ensure a comfortable and safe journey, New Horizon Public School introduced a fleet of luxury, AC buses this academic year.

    These AC buses are new and comfortable. The children can relax and enjoy their time with their friends without being disturbed by the noises coming from outside. The children come to school feeling fresh and eager to begin a new day in school.

    First aid room & sanjeevini

    SANJEEVINI ROOM (Pre – Primary)

    We at New Horizon Public school take the maximum possible care of our children during school hours.  

    Our medical room also known as ‘SANJEEVINI’, is a magical room that has been specially formulated for this very purpose. We provide 2 beds in case of medical emergency for children. A well-stocked first aid box will always be available for immediate treatment. The first aid kit is fully equipped and is kept handy. We ensure adequate nursing and care is given to the affected children. 

    Life Skill Lab

    of the hour that we equip our students so well that they are able to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of everyday life. With this objective in mind, the latest addition to our facility is a well-equipped Life Skills Lab. It is almost a miniature home and work setup, put into one beautiful space with counters, furniture and all materials and amenities which can be utilized by the children to learn these everyday skills hands-on. We have planned supervised sessions with age-appropriate activities that will help children improve their fine motor skills, organizing skills and also teach them self-care, discipline, and functional skills, which in turn they will use on an everyday basis, and help them grow into organized, systematic and self-reliant individuals

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    Respected Madam,

    I am writing this e-mail with immense happiness and gratitude. To see Niharica improve slowly and steadily has given me a lot of confidence that she will do well in her academics even in her higher classes. She now reads very well and independently. She also remembers things better. Her writing has improved as well.

    I would like to thank you mam for your patience, understanding and encouragement. I would also thank the school management for having such a set up where the kids can be given special attention to improve in the areas that they are weak in.

    Mam, I am sure that with your guidance Niharica will have a wholesome growth. Thank you once again.

    Yours sincerely,