FDP 2024

Faculty development programme 2024
- The methodology of teaching with different games and activities
- The psychology of children and the ways to handle them
- Intellectual and physical growth of the children
- Creating lesson plans and constructive teaching methods
- An overview of curriculum mapping and its relevance in kindergarten education
- Designing a theme-based learning framework
- Cognitive Development (Brain-Based Learning Strategies)
- An understanding of Social-Emotional Development
- Building blocks of future learning
- Acquiring language, communication, numeracy and Motor skills
- Problem-solving and Social-emotional competencies
- Games for teachers to use while teaching the concepts such as mathematical thinking, patterns and sequences and measurement and comparison.
- Express their feelings through art, painting, or sketching
- Creating self-awareness and identity
- Social relationships in little children and singing rhymes
Areas for childhood assessment such as:
- cognitive, social and emotional and language development
- observational, formative, portfolio, performance-based, peer and self-assessments and also the assessment practices aligned with NEP.
- A holistic approach to assessment beyond academics.
- Reflective practices which is an essential element of continuous improvement in teaching.
- Concept of innovating the curriculum
- Importance of incorporating real-world experiences
- Project-based learning and technology
- Integration of the technology into the lessons
- Ideas for interdisciplinary units
- Engage students and promote critical thinking skills
- Creating well-structured lessons
- Effective delivery of the curriculum
- Importance of clear learning objectives
- Engaging activities
- Appropriate assessment strategies
- Designing their own lesson plans
- Feedback from their peers
- Implementing accurate and productive assessments
- Various types of assessments – formative and summative assessments.
- Use of rubics
- performance based tasks to measure student learning.
- Preparing an effective Lesson Plan
- Interactive and student centric classrooms
- Incorporating Indian context in every aspect
- Improve the teaching competencies
- Enabling the teachers to deliver content more effectively
- Hands-on training sessions
- Practical skills and techniques
- Using digital tools in the classroom
- Creating interactive lesson plans
- Developing assessment
- Use of Rubrics
- Professional ethics
- Curriculum development
- Ice break exercises and games
- Exploration of how to harness the power of ChatGPT
- To infuse more excitement into classroom activities
- Innovative AI tools
- Poe, Canva, and Brisk Teaching
- Crafting a graphic presentation on the water cycle
- Unleash the creative spirits
Overall, the 3 day workshop was a great success. The teachers were inspired and equipped with new strategies to enhance teaching practices. By collaborating and sharing ideas, they were able to develop a more cohesive and effective approach to curriculum, lesson planning, and assessment.