Life Skills Lab

Have you ever questioned if your child is self-sufficient? Will your child be able to look after herself/himself if you leave them alone for a long time? We at NHPS believe that it is the need of the hour that we equip our students so well that they are able to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of everyday life. With this objective in mind, the latest addition to our facility is a well-equipped Life Skills Lab. It is almost a miniature home and work setup, put into one beautiful space with counters, furniture and all materials and amenities which can be utilized by the children to learn these everyday skills hands-on. We have planned supervised sessions with age-appropriate activities that will help children improve their fine motor skills, organizing skills and also teach them self-care, discipline, and functional skills, which in turn they will use on an everyday basis, and help them grow into organized, systematic and self-reliant individuals
Life Skills Activities
Here’s a sneak peek into our Life Skill Lab where our students are engrossed in performing some life skill activities which included Fireless cooking too.