ATL Marathon is AIM’s national level flagship innovation challenge, where schools identify community problems of their choice and develop innovative solutions in the form of working prototypes. After many rounds of evaluation by the industry partners, the Top 400 teams are chosen to become a part of the Student Innovator Program (SIP).
We are thrilled to share that after months of rigorous evaluation and assessment, the results are out. The dedication, creativity, and unwavering commitment to innovation have truly impressed everyone.
We would like to share that four of our teams had submitted their projects and the project “Radia AI: An AI powered tool for radiologists’ submitted by Sindhoora R and Liya M of grade 10, has been shortlisted. The students have demonstrated exceptional talent and promise, making them stand out in this competitive event.
Around 12000 plus teams pan India participated in the competition.
We extend our heartfelt congratulations to our students who have reached this milestone. Their innovative spirit has not only set them apart but also will also serve as an inspiration to students across the nation.
Top 75 teams will go to the next level after the internship.
We wish our team Radia AI all the best for their future endeavours!